Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, 2022
(Video, sound x 3 episodes, 3:59 min, 2:58 min, 2:52 min)
The Interspecies and Other Others film is an episodic series of poetic and philosophically reflective works, which reinforce and enrich some of the artistic and curatorial concepts explored within the onsite program. Including artist interviews, interspersed with surreal visions of the Abbotsford Convent after dark, the films offer uncanny juxtapositions and elaborate on the curious, nocturnal world that the exhibition inhabits.
An original soundtrack by Daniel Jenatsch accompanies the film.
Woulahan collaborated with the Abbotsford Convent and exhibition Interspecies and Other Others curator Kelli Alred to develop the themes and approach to the series. The filmmaker undertook interviews with three of the commissioned artists. She engaged a cinematographer, composer, choreographer and performers to undertake onsite film shoots, sourcing and integrating additional materials to realise her cinematic vision.